Wednesday 19 December 2018

Tips For Developing Mobile App For Business

Smartphone has become something inevitable for present-day human beings. People do lots of activities through their mobile phones such as shopping, entertainment (movies, music), communication, trading and many more. Due to the popularity, modern businesses are making mobile apps to connect with their customers effectively. If you are getting into mobile app development, we would like to provide some tips.

There are millions of apps available for download in the app stores. However, only two percent of the apps are very successful, and the rest are not good in some other. In this article, we will provide some tips to make your mobile app development more successful.
As a developer, you should first try to know what the users like to have in the mobile app. This will help you to create an app that can trigger the interest of the users. Users will take few minutes to check the new apps. It is important to earn the attention of the users, so they will make some good actions (buy, download).arn

The app you want to develop should work seamlessly across all the platforms and devices. For example, some app works good in Apple phone and not work correctly in Android phones. Such things should not happen and your app should work fluidly in all platforms and devices.

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Monday 9 April 2018

The Latest Mobile E-Commerce Trends To Look Out For

The shopping experience has grown over a new horizon in the aspect of M-commerce apps. This virtual market has tremendous potential, and all the sectors including Retail, Food & Beverages, Gold & Diamond Jewelry Stores are making use of it for extensive development. can help you to know about the latest M-commerce developments.

M-commerce app trends in 2018:
1) 534 million customers are set to buy mobile related products and payments are set to hit 707 billion dollars.
2) 54% of Indians, 74% of Chinese and 46% of the Americans are the highest engaging in E-commerce.
3) People spend nearly 45 days in researching about the mobile products ranging around 1000 dollars.
4) Almost 80% of the people made purchases on mobiles in 1-2 days.
5) 28% people made app store purchases
6) 67% of the people enjoyed app store experience and bought the products.

Let us see the nine trends that will impact the market in 2018:

Shoppable tags: These tags will become more common on all the platforms, not only Instagram. The tags contain the name of the product and its price. Once opened, it will display the whole information of the product which will make the work of shoppers easier.

Videos: Videos will continue to be the best medium for promotions and advertising. Boomerang and Live videos are attractive and help in increasing the visibility of the brands and products. Videos are easy to make and share all over the internet and in social media.

Investment in beacons: A small device that connects the power of the internet to our everyday life, the retailers are investing more money on beacons to know and patronize the normal behavior of M-commerce application users. The study is worth it to increase the sales and business.

Personalization of experience: Most M-commerce users prefer personalized experience to make purchases from the app store. Artificial intelligence is being used in predicting the kind of experience customers want and the products that they will choose shortly.

Omnichannel experience: The brands have to create an everlasting impression on the users. So, they have to be present in every field like on websites, blogs, desktop and mobiles and in the form of brick and mortar stores.

Advancement of automation: Automation tools like E-mail contact, updates on social media, an announcement of vouchers and discounts will streamline the business activities reducing the strain on retailers and hence, profits can be reaped.

Payments in a single click: Most of the customers abandon purchases due to the time delay in entering the details repeatedly. Single click payments were initiated by Amazon, and this is the reason for their success. Most of the other sites are following suit.[G28]

Augmented reality: AR technology will be on peak in 2018. 61% users prefer brands to use AR, 40% want to experience AR before buying the product and 71% people are loyal towards AR facility.

Chat boxes influence: Chat boxes are personalized and offer readymade solutions to the issues 24*7. Chatbox history can be used to know the mentality of customers and what they expect from the product and the difficulties that they are facing.

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Monday 19 March 2018

Exciting Applications That Make Life Easier

The Internet can be applied to almost all the fields making life more comfortable and the techniques simpler. Technological advancement using the internet has been breaking the frontiers and is now being employed to reduce the operating costs and to increase the business efficiency. Mobile applications are making headlines in streamlining various complicated processes and to know where this technology can be used seamlessly, read through .

Application of IOT in the field of Automotive:
Nowadays, people are in much anticipation of robotic or self-driven cars. These cars operate automatically without any human help. Human negligence and interference can be reduced to a huge extent. The cars follow the traffic rules with the aid of sensors. They will direct themselves after being indicated of the destination.

Application of IOT in the field of Logistics:
Tags with chips embedded in them are being attached to parcels that will make it easier for us to track them. The delivery status and the location of the package can be known with the click of a button.

Application of IOT in the field of Agriculture:
The irrigation system has become automatic, and it can be controlled according to the weather conditions. The users are warned about the extreme weather conditions so that they can take necessary precautions. Watering is done according to the water level in the crops by commanding the sprinklers. Time to schedule can also be set for manure and medicine application.

Integrated pet care system:
There are communities and platforms for pets wherein you can register them by filling their details. In case they are lost, the apps will notify you and the members of other communities too. The pet has to be tagged with a GPS locator.

Smart TVs:
What we know about smart TVs is that we can stream and browse the content of internet on TV and can use pen drives, fire sticks and can connect our mobiles to the TV to view the content. We can also control the TV from its app. We can monitor kids and block unwanted content.

We also have smart ACs and lawn mowers that can be controlled from indoors, and we can set their working pattern too.

Smart microwaves:
We can put the required ingredients in the microwave bowl and switch it on from any location outside of the home and enjoy the food as soon as we reach home. The ovens also send signals or messages to the phone once the food is ready for consumption.

Fitness and healthcare apps:
There are many wearables available in the market that monitor the health of people and give them information about their vital stats. They suggest exercise routines and diet plans. Some apps will provide access to consult a doctor and will notify you about the medicine schedules.

Smart home:
Apps can control thermostats, cameras, alarms, doors and the driveway. The smart system switches off all the electric equipment when not in use. This optimizes the use of power. Smartphone apps notify you of any trespassers and intruders too. Make sure you choose the best home automation company to make your home intelligent and smart!

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Friday 16 March 2018

11 Trends In Mobile Applications That Will Dominate The Market In 2018

Mobile application development was the most developed sector in 2017. More technological advancements are expected in 2018. website provides an interesting study on the mobile app trends and the research going on to develop them further.

The eleven trends that will be a rage in 2018:

M-payment apps have got tremendous popularity since payments can be made quickly and fast without even budging from a place. The number of transactions is increasing day by day, and the processing fee is also minimal, attracting more potential users. People are not carrying cash and are relying on mobile deals that are safer. Like the mobile billing software, businesses are inclining towards the POS Software.

Blockchain mobile apps : Many brands have introduced Blockchain mobile apps and smart security technology features for industries like real estate. This adds the element of security to the supply chain management system. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoins are already ruling the market. Banks and government firms are adopting this technology for
Regulating compliance policies.
Asset management
Contract management
Transaction management

The progressive web apps are being adopted all over the commerce field keeping their speed, reliability, reachability, cost-effectiveness, and engagement. The app has a set of distinct features like offline working mode, push notifications, quick updates and fast navigation.

People want to connect more with the world with simplicity and easiness. We have technology that runs the house smoothly like controlling the lighting, thermostat, locks, cameras and entertainment system, etc.

Till now, AR/VR was used extensively in entertainment and gaming industry. Employing these in M-commerce will fetch good results. Fields of healthcare, education, etc. are applying this technique to increase the effectiveness of their conversation rates with the customers.

Most of the businesses these days prefer enterprise apps to keep their employees bonded. Virtual meetings and discussions are in vogue now that conserve space and time. Work can be done anytime and from any place.

On-demand service apps like beauty, entertainment, food, laundry, daily chores were ranked highest during 2017 and will increase further in 2018. On-demand services revenue chunk is the highest as new technology is incorporated.

Instant apps on Google play store need not be downloaded completely. Clicking on a URL will lead to the site of the product. It will help save the storage space and will increase the brand visibility.

M-health apps have revolutionized the medical field. Patients are booking online appointments, and the apps are suggesting the line of treatment. Electronic medical records keep a complete database of the patients and their medical history.

Instead of having apps for different IOS and Android platforms, efforts are being made to develop apps that work on multiple platforms simultaneously.

Almost 50% of the people want to interact with the business sites through text messages. AI and chatbots analyze the chats and predict the mindset of the customers.

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Tuesday 13 March 2018

The Way Mobile Applications Are Transforming Health Care

AI is the artificial intelligence demonstrated by machines in contrast to the knowledge of humans. It is the study of intelligence that perceive the environment and maximizes the chance of success to infinity. AI these days is playing a crucial role in the healthcare system. Hospital management software has changed the traditional approach of hospitals in dealing with their patients. website gives us quick information on the storm of AI in health care system.

Let us get surprised by going through the innovative ways that provide an insight into how artificial intelligence is changing the shape of health care system:

Artificial intelligence 🙁 AI)
Better treatment plans and schedules for both the doctors and the patients are planned and implemented well by the mobile applications. Processes of treatment, drug creation, and medication management are revolutionized by AI.

Analysis of the system:
Due to digitalization of patient records, data of the doctors, line of treatment can be retrieved quickly. By looking at the old reports, hospitals can rectify their mistakes and prevent them from happening in the future that secures the health of the patients.

Precision medicines:
Artificial intelligence has impacted genetics and genomes. Patterns in the enormous data sets can be identified by AI that has precious genetic information through which link to diseases can be found. AI in the future can suggest the doctors on the changes in DNA due to genetic variation.

Creation of drugs:
Clinical trials on the medicines and drugs take up millions of dollars and a significant amount of time. We have a system called Atomwise that is a network of highly advanced supercomputers. The artificial intelligence in Atomwise has studied the existing medicines, and it found two drugs by redesigning the existing ones to treat the epidemic of Ebola virus. Atomwise scrutinizes the databases of molecular structures.

Management of medication and health assistance:
Sensely is a medical startup hub that designed a virtual nurse Molly with soft and soothing voice and behavior. The nurse monitors the chronic condition of the patients. She instructs the patients to take medications on time and gives suggestions to improve their chronic disease. She monitors the health of the patients in between the checkups.

Change in online and in-person consultations:
There is an app called Babylon that offers health consultations online and advice based on the medical history of the patients. The app consults its database once the patient reveals his/her symptoms and illness and guides him/her through the treatment and medication. Robotics in surgeries is becoming popular by the day. These apps can store vast amounts of data without any errors.

Assistance in repetitive jobs:
Cognitive health assistants like medical sieve analyze radiology reports and point out to the issues very fast with no errors. Cognitive health assistants have excellent reasoning and analyzing capabilities with complete healthcare knowledge.

Designing treatment plans:
An application called IBM Watson scrutinizes all the structured and unstructured data and provides reports and line of treatment in the field of Oncology. Mobile apps analyze data and give detailed descriptions.

Data mining:
The apps collect, normalize, store and trace the patient records and design the pathway of treatment. Data mining results in faster and efficient health services.

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Monday 5 March 2018

The Importance And Benefits Of IOS App Development

Companies and businesses are trying their best to promote and market their products and services in as many ways as possible. There are many platforms available for marketing such as television, radio, newspapers, banners, etc. In this line, the smartphone has become an effective tool for marketing. Nowadays, smartphones have become an indispensable thing for most people across the globe. People use the smartphone to access plenty of contents available online. They also use the smartphone for buying products and services. With Apple being one of the leading smartphones in the world, the IOS App Development is gaining more importance. Now let us look into some of the important benefits of app development for IOS platform.

Many business owners are in a dilemma on whether to develop an app for Android or IOS platform. Both platforms are good, however, there are some reasons why one should begin with IOS.

Though Android holds the major share of Smartphone market, Apple users have more paying capacity than the Android users. It means IOS App has a better chance of getting sold than the Android App.

The IOS platform is known for its robustness and security. It is complemented by Apple’s flawless hardware and top-notch customer service. The IOS app works like fluid in the mobile phone, giving a great experience to the users, which will boost the brand name of the business.

Businesses and companies are trying to impress their customers by creating a flawless mobile app. Apple phone has an excellent user interface, which gives a luxurious experience. In the same way, the IOS App also works excellently on the Apple phone, leaving a great impression to the end users.

Apple phones are expensive than the Android phones. This is the because of Android is an open source and are available for free, which is not the case with IOS. IOS phones are considered as a luxury by many people and such phones are owned by many elite and business people. Therefore, creating an IOS App helps your business to reach the people of high-end society effectively.

IOS phones are very popular in well-developed countries like US and UK. Therefore, creating IOS App helps your business to reach the audiences in the well-developed countries.

When developing an App, the developer should also think about the security aspect, in addition to the user interface and other features. iOS platform is known for its excellent security features. IOS phones stay away from the various threats. Therefore, creating an iOS makes an ideal choice for creating a secure mobile app.

IOS development can offer better ROI than other mobile platforms. This helps the companies to earn more profits in a short span of time.

iPhone Apps are made available in the App Store only after it is properly tested. A business can increases its credibility by offering the App in App Store.

If you are looking to develop an app for IOS, then you may hire independent coders or an App Development company. You can search the Internet to find out good developers in your area or country.

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